Personal Training

Confused as to why you struggle to lose weight? I may have the answer.

Confused as to why you struggle to lose weight? I may have the answer.
Sep 20, 2023
Personal Training

Confused as to why you struggle to lose weight? I may have the answer.




Founder & Director

If you find yourself struggling to lose weight... you are not alone.

Quite often a lot of our clients come to MPH because of this exact reason. They have either hit a plateau with their weight loss goal or have found their weight to be trending upwards over time. Either way they are frustrated and want to make a change.

In our detailed consultation we ask questions to understand our clients lifestyles, habits, behaviours, values, health and history. With this information we are able to pin point opportunities or road blocks that need to be focused on to move forward with our clients goals.

After helping and being proven in the field of helping clients with their weight loss/body composition goals - there are a few things that I recommend you are aware of to help achieve your weight loss goals.

1 - You need accountability and a supportive environment.

Simple. But powerful. You may be someone that knows how to eat better or knows that you should be exercising... but it's just not happening and you've hit a plateau or going backwards with your weight loss goals.

Sure there may be new skills to learn, but the most powerful detail will be having someone or something to keep you accountable. When you have someone you need to report to or someone that questions your behaviours it can be a way to influence your results for the better.

A lot of our long term clients stay with us for years or come back to our program because they understand they need the accountability.

2 - Not understanding realistic expectations of weight loss progress

Have you ever started something like a diet or workout plan and stopped because you didn't think it was working? Sometimes it could have been working but you stopped becuse you weren't sure how to manage realistic expectations of progress.

I see this problem sometimes. Having targets that are realistic to your goal can help motivate and be a compass towards your weight loss success.

To help manage expectations of weight loss specifically we like to recommend 0.5-1% loss of body weight per week, 0.5-1% loss of body fat per week or 1/4 inch/0.6cm loss on your navel per week.

3 - Lacking basic skills

At times you may need new skills to break through weight loss plateaus. These can relate to nutrition, workout or lifestyle. At MPH we help clients learn skills with training, nutrition and lifestyle so they can maximise their weight loss results.

From understanding what to eat for your goal to learning how to exercise properly for the best results... skills can help speed up your progress but a lack of skills can be the breaks that cause frustrations.

4 - Lack of priority

Focus is important. You may want to lose weight... but how high is it on your priority list? The higher on the list your weight loss goal is, the more action may be taken to make it happen.

It's easy to get caught up in work and life... But the quality of your health, fitness and wellbeing will dictate the quality of your life.


At Mind Performance Health our personal training team is equipped to help you achieve the best health and fitness results possible. Some clients wish for a 'head turning' 6 pack transformation. Other clients want lifestyle improvements that include vitality, body fat loss, strength and confidence. Either way we are passionate to help you achieve your desired outcomes.


Our exclusive personal training studio is located at: 8/591 Withers Road, Rouse Hill NSW Australia.

Our services are both offered online or face to face at our personal training studio.

Eat For Performance. Train Hard.

Michael Pritchatt

Director & Founder of Mind Performance Health

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Client Results

About our client transformations and results.

Client results are produced by dedication executing our nutrition, workouts and lifestyle tasks to the best of their ability. We cannot eat, train or follow the plan for you. We can however provide you the steps that are tailored to you, bestow support and give you accountability as we are invested in your success.

Each client has their own unique results. Our goal is to maximise your genetic potential with our personal training service. We all have different genetics and starting points. Your result will be your own.

All clients you see on our website were committed to their results, worked hard, followed the plan consistently and made the decision to give their best effort over time to create the results you see.

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The Ultimate Fat Loss & Body Composition eBook

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